Meow Meow’s Little Mermaid
FE Live were delighted to be selected as the audio supplier for the Edinburgh International Festival presents ‘Meow Meow’s Little Mermaid’. The month-long residency at EIF HQ ‘The Hub’ presented various system design and schedule challenges outlined by EIF Head of Sound, long term d&b user, Tom Zwitserlood.
System tech for the project Grant Cropley explains “The d&b ArrayCalc software allowed me to design a system to combat the venues challenging layout for this years show where a line array system wouldn’t be practical. We had to work around an unusual lighting truss design due to the various flying and Kinesys components featured in the performance. Other challenges included delivering the desired direct sound to the under balcony booth seating where d&b’s E5 came into its own.
An extremely tight stage required a different approach to monitoring for the band so I again opted for the d&b E5, this time attached to compact round based stands. This worked extremely well and the band complimented this by saying it was the best solution they had had for a stage this tight. E8’s were chosen as drum monitors to deliver a bit more low end punch. With d&b’s Array Calc allowing us to plot the system with precision months in advance gave us as predicted results in the venue within 3db.
Given the extraordinary power and headroom of the d&b V7P, V10P and Y7P we had phenomenal dynamic range and for Meow Meow’s show this was very important. Using 4 B6 subwoofers allowed us to deliver excellent low end coverage for the venue, having two in Standard Mode and two in INFRA mode allowed us to achieve tight controlled sub while also having the infra extension for some extra depth and given the dynamics of this show this worked very well.
A Yamaha CL5 was chosen for both FOH and Monitors, with a fantastic channel count and DANTE Integration this gave us great flexibility with the system, allowing for one stage box to be at the stage end and the other to be at FOH for additional local inputs.”