Fischer IEM XL Beltpack

The Body Pack XL has the same functional principle as the Fischer Amps® Hardwired In Ear Body Pack plus an additional Mic-In to add-on a microphone signal to the stereo or mono mix received. The integrated low-noise microphone preamp has standard features such as 48V phantom power, PAD switch to reduce the input signal by 20 dB and a gain control from + 12 dB to + 60 dB.
An additional feature for the microphone input is the parallel out which allows to loop the microphone signal. This Body Pack is a compact in ear solution not only for orchestra musicians who want to mix their own microphone signal to the incoming in ear signal, but it is also an excellent tool for engineers to monitor microphone signals.
The Body Pack XL is powered with a 9V battery or an additional mains adaptor.
To hire call 0141 353 9378